Age in 1968: 28
Where did you live? What was it like? What stands out about living in Memphis in the 1960s?
I lived on the Raleigh-Millington Road. It was just like everyone was upset and sorry that he was killed in Memphis. It was segregated from black and white, couldn’t eat in certain places cause you were black.
Describe your life in1968. What was a typical day like for you in 1968? School? Work? How was it different from today?
I was a married house wife. Well then white was against the blacks, now the blacks are against the blacks.
What do you remember about the day King was assassinated? What was different than normal? How did you think? Where were you when you heard? How did you react? How did people around you react? How did things change throughout the night?
Sitting watching and it appeared across the screen the screen. The looks on people face in his last speech. Devastated and sorry. He was trying to bring everyone together. It was his time, he accomplished what he accomplished. At home watching TV. Oh mama MLK got shot. No one was around. They started rioting.
Describe your night after King was shot? Where were you that night? What was the city like? Everyone was turmoil. At home. Wasn’t together and in turmoil.
What did you think of King before and after his death?
He was a good leader by bring the white and blacks together and breaking segregation in the city. They finally passed alot stuff like: equal opportunities and etc. to a certain extent.
Did life change at all after his death? Did people act different or view problems differently? Do you think people’s attitudes changed?
Certain circumstances at workplaces. In certain aspects. Some did and some didn’t.
Is there anything else about that time in your life that we haven’t discussed that you’d like to add? No couldn’t think of nothing!