Sheryl R. by Allison R., Harding Academy

Sheryl R. was 6 years old in 1986. She grew up in Memphis and lived in Colonial Acres and attended Colonial Elementary School's first grade in 1986. Everyday she walked to school and stayed out until dark playing with her friends. She recalls getting to vote for president that year and looking back recalls racial tension though she didn't understand it at the time. The day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, she didn't know what to think. The atmosphere was similar to that of what 9/11 would be like in the elementary atmosphere. Teachers seemed to be tense and bustling causing everyone to be on edge. Before and after this time she remembers an increase in black teachers though she only had one black girl in her class and didn't understand why it was odd for her to be friends with her. Because of her age she doesn't remember much but can understand the day and time better looking back and piecing things together. One of these observations she can now make is that the teachers in the years following were more interested and concerned with social issues rather than even education at times.