My name is Martavius T. and I interviewed my grandmother. My grandmother's name is Linda H. and she was born in 1959 so by this time she was 9 years old. Now, the whole idea is to interview someone who was born before Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered. To short off my grandmother was born in the city of Memphis and she stated that from her point of view things were normal other than than the riot that started at what we call in Memphis downtown. Life was pretty original or maybe kinda unified for my grandmother because she went to school like any other kid and had chores and responsibilities. The only thing my grandmother could remember really was the riot which scared her really, so as a result her and her family locked down there house(s). She was at home at the time he was murdered. Also, downtown was destroyed that night. Since my grandmother didn't know him very well she didn't take as horrible as others so she went to sleep like a normal day. In addition, she didn't really came until he died and then she realized that he was a great man a cared a little more and grateful.