When I was living in Memphis during 1968 there was a lot of racial discrimination. I worked for a hospital, which was mixture of blacks and whites. In the hospital the separated all things from us black people and they would beat us if we even talked to a white store clerk. The white patients only wanted white workers even if there were only black people working that night.
I remember Martin Luther King Jr's assassination like it was yesterday! I was at the beauty salon; the people around me and myself were in great shock. Later on that day and night there were many riots and physical altercations. As bad as I wanted to join them I could no join them because I worked nights and had to sleep during the daytime.
I, myself, thought kings was a great man before his death and an even greater man after his death. Because of the way he fought for worker's rights and equality between races. I could tell Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Made a big difference because even after King's death people still segregated just like they had before King's death. Owners of restaurants and bus stations closed down their establishment to avoid any riots.
I am very happy that nowadays are nothing like they were back in the 1960's. I am very proud that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's dream finally came true and that people have finally realized this.