Hi there, my name is Kenny S. and I am doing a summary of how life was when Martin Luther King was alive and how it has changed since he died. For this project, I asked my grandmother, Georgia C., to help me with this because she is 62 and was a teenager when he was alive. The things she told me was that Martin Luther King was an outstanding leader for African Americans. She said that Martin Luther King was a speaker for African Americans at this time because at that time colored were being treated differently by Caucasian because of their color. Martin Luther King stood for rights that he believed in such as coloreds should sit wherever they wanted and that they should be able to drink at the same water fountains and use the same restrooms as whites. As a result of Martin Luther King being a good leader, he won the Nobel Peace Prize and also paved the way for coloreds to be treated the same. Although Martin still had people against him and tried to kill him, he remained a good leader and treated people like his parents taught him.