Mrs. Christine W. was 22 years old in 1968. She lived in Memphis by Riverside. In 1968 she was going to Memphis State and was a senior at the time. She noticed how racially unbalanced the college was. Another thing that stood out to her was all of the racism. A typical day for her was to go to her college courses and often came home to babysit. She likes how it's more socially acceptable to be able to be intergraded. She remembers that on the day King was shot she was really hurt. She was on her way to go to rally with them, but then she heard the news. Every felt really bad that they key him get killed in their hometown. Everyone was crying and they felt like they lost the battle they were fighting for. As the night went on, people were rioting and breaking windows. Police and national guards covered the streets ordering people to leave or they go to jail.
Mrs. Christine had respect for King before and after his death. She was able to participate in some of the rallys with him and she felt they were good and organized. She also liked how even after his death she saw charged being made. She feels like things have changed but there are still more ways to improve. Most people changed their minds but there were still some battles to face. Overall she felt there was a great attitude change but it was gradule and slow.