Kathrine W. lived in Memphis Riverside. She explained that in Memphis it was racially unbalanced she wasn't being able to take desired course. She told me that in 1968 she was in college and noticed a difference, the whites were watching out for blacks. It was socially accepted to be mixed races. Kathrine said that the day Dr. King was assigned it hurt her emotionally, to feel like someone in the family was dead. It felt bad that he was killed in her hometown. She said it felt like a lost battle and she cried like a baby. People were rioting and breaking windows, police and national guards ordered people or they would be escorted to jail. Katherine explained That she respected Dr. King, he was a brave man. Although she was not able to participate, she watched him on tv, saw how he made changes. Some lives were changed, not all the way where we needed to be. Some gradual, some slow changes.