Martha R. by Lauren H., Harding Academy

Martha R. was 28 years old, married to John Reed, with one child Rob R.. They lived on Dogwood road in Germantown, Tn. Martha worked in a doctors office and her husband was a traveling salesman. Most of the white people lived in the suburbs while the black people lived inside the city, so Memphis was very divided. She was working at the doctors office one afternoon when she heard the news, that Martin Luther King Jr. had been shot. Martha was so shocked and sad that anyone could murder someone like that, but she never thought that it could happen so close to home in Memphis. She was scared about what would happen next. She didn't know of people would be rioting, or if there would be violence. Some people were so angry and other were so scared the didn't leave their house. She remembers the seeing on the news the students of Rust College, which was an all black school in Holly Springs, AR in protest. Things after Martin Luther King Jr. was shot did not get better immediately but slowly over time they have.