Dr. William E. C. by Isabel L., Harding Academy

I grew up in a very liberating point of history, the 1960's. Many things happened in this time period. Such as, women's liberation movement, civil rights movement, and the U.S.'s participation in the Vietnam war. Growing up in Mississippi, I had very obscure views of African Americans, and more specifically Martin Luther King Jr.. 

     I attended Southern College of Optometry (SCO)as a fourth year student in 1968. SCO's campus is located in midtown on Madison Avenue. As a student, five cumulative exams were given to you on a Friday at the end of the year, and five the next Friday.  So after studying the Thursday before exams, my friend and I decided to take a "study break" and go see the newest James Bond movie. As we were leaving the theatre, a snow storm came throughout Memphis. I later found out that this snow storm set the record as the third largest snowfall in Memphis. SCO decided to cancel school for Friday, so consequently exams were pushed back. 

    Martin Luther King Jr. came to Memphis to assist the Sanitation Workers Strike. During his stay he stayed at the Lorraine Motel, only seven minutes from SCO. 

    I was seeing a patient when, my teacher ran into the room and said "Finish with your patient, and then go home immediately. We are closing early. Martian Luther King Jr. has been shot". I quickly went home and turned on the television. The only thing on the news and radio was, reporters and broadcasters talking about the episode that had just occurred. 

    Memphis turned into a tornado of chaos. African Americans were driving around the city shooting into houses and towards civilians. Many of my classmates were shot to I decided to head back to my home in Mississippi. On my way home I was listening to the radio as I passed under the bridge on old Highway 51. Right after I passed through the bridge, the people on the radio said to avoid that bridge at all costs because there is a man with a sniper who is killing most who pass under. 

    The next Monday I was back at SCO studying in the library, because my exams had been postponed again due to King's death. All of a sudden a huge shake went throughout the building. As I ran outside I saw military half tracks and tanks heading towards downtown Memphis. I later found out that they were going to help break up the riots and chaos. 

    Looking back at King's life, I honestly believe that he was a truly amazing man. During his life I just thought that he was just a man who was creating unnecessary problems for southerners. Now I believe that King was a pioneer in an overdue movement in the U.S.. It didn't happen right away, but slowly people started to realize that something truly life changing had occurred and that King was right all along.    

    1968 was a big year for me. I graduated from Southern College of Optometry,  married my current wife and shortly after that I enlisted in the army. Also in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr., George Wales, and Bobby Kennedy were all shot. Needless to say, 1968 was a hug time in the history of America. It was a time of change that will never compare to anything else.