Anne H. by Samuel J., Harding Academy

Anne H. was 27 when in 1968. She was a house wife that was raising kids during hat time. She lived in southwest Memphis and did not not know much about Dr. King before he came to Memphis. On day of the shooting, she was at home with her kids when she heard on the new that King had been killed. She did not agree with him being killed because she believes no one deserves to take another person's life. That night she stayed up all night watching the news and looking out for strangers because she feared the riots would find her house. However the riots never reached her part of Memphis. The African-Americans that worked for her father turned sour after the death of King. She quotes "you could almost cut the tension with a knife". Since the the city has gone from segregated to integrated and interatcial friendship is a lot more common. The difference between now and then was the city was less populated and everybody is entitled to the same rights.